Welcome to The Ridge Junior School
Respect, Inclusion, Drive, Growth, Empowerment
The Ridge Junior School is a place where children and adults work hard, achieve their very best, enjoy being with each other and love learning together. It is a place where we all want to be; where mutual respect, a zest for life and a desire to learn all come together to make The Ridge an excellent school. We are proud of our school. As a team of highly professional colleagues we will do everything in our power to ensure our school aims are met and as a result your child’s experience of school will be enriching, enjoyable and fulfilling.
The Ridge values diversity, respects all and does not negatively discriminate against any member of the school community on the grounds of
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
It is an expectation for all who are part of the community (Parents/carers, staff and pupils) to support this.
Mosaic Partnership MAT
Ridge Formal Stakeholder Consultation Outcome Report
Mosaic Decision Letter from Governors
We are very excited to publish the outcomes following the consultation to become part of the Mosaic Academy.
Please download the documents for all the information. This page will be updated with any future documents as and when they are available.
Engaged, Aspiring, Learning Together
Please click here for more information.