The Ridge Junior School

The Ridge Junior School

Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School
"A school family, engaged, aspiring and learning together"


Beavers & Swallows

Welcome to Year 6!

 Class 7 - Beavers 

Class 8 - Swallows 

The Year 6 Team

 Class 7 Beavers: Miss Gardner 

Class 8 Swallows: Mr Patton 

Support Staff: Miss Stewart and Mrs Pepler 

Y6 Meet the Teachers Presentation 2023

Due to a timetable change, homework across the school will now be given out on a Wednesday. The children will shave a week to complete it and it will be marked in class the following Wednesday afternoon. Reading records and spelling tests will also be checked on a Wednesday.

                                                                Term 5 and 6 

Term3 and 4  

Term 1 and 2