The Ridge Junior School

The Ridge Junior School

Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School
"A school family, engaged, aspiring and learning together"

 Useful websites 

Below are lots of fantastic resources and websites that we have collated to help the children learn, think and grow. 

Why not explore mindfulness on go noodle, take a virtual museum tour of the Louvre or drop in on one of the zoo's live web links to watch feeding time?


Hour of Code website:

UK Scouts: 

Aim Hi: Aim hi has been put together during Covid 19. It has live lessons for 8 to 18 year olds about a huge variety of topics. 

Audible: Amazon have made all subscriptions for children free. A fantastic resource where children can listen to hundreds of audio books. 

Maths factor: Unlock your child's Maths confidence with videos and games for all ages of children. 

Twinkl: Twinkl are offering every parent/carer a free one month ultimate membership. Here you can access multiple activity packs, powerpoints, revision resources and videos which cover all areas of the curriculum. Code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Scholastic: Scholastic are providing up to three hours' of exciting learning experiences per day. Children can go on virtual field trips, meet best-selling authors or dig deep into a topic they love. 

Scratch: Computer programming for children to build their own programmes. 

Go Noodle: Go Noodle inspires all kids to be active and mindful with a wide range of offerings that appeal to kids' different ages, interests, skills, and abilities

Oxford Owl: Free ebooks for a wide range of children which are all tablet friendly. 

Don't miss out on our weekly newspaper. Click on the link below for the latest edition                 First News 10th - 16th April              

They also have free activities linked to their articles here First News Free activities

Science websites which have up to date resources and videos, 

Thousands of free and up to date resources including things like virtual museum tours! 

The Louvre virtual tours:  

British Museum, London: 

Lots of zoos have set up webcams for the animals: , 

Daily PE with Joe Wicks

Cosmic kids yoga -

School games challenges -