Inclusion & SEND
Our SENCo and Inclusion lead is Miss Lucy Evans
At The Ridge Junior School, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our pupils, whatever their needs or abilities. Our aim is to enable all pupils to enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum, supporting the development of the whole child.
A flourishing SEN child at The Ridge is given the skills and strategies to access all curriculum areas and feel successful.
A flourishing SEN child will feel;
- Safe and happy
- Valued and appreciated
- Celebrated supported and challenged
This is achieved through;
- Individualised targets where children and parents have a voice (assess, plan, do, review cycle)
- Parents being invited to formally meet and review their child’s progress with teachers 5 times a year (3 additional to parents evening)
- An inclusive environment where children can access appropriate resources at any time
- Comprehensive and varied social, emotional and mental health package including thrive, pet therapy, lego therapy and forest skills
- Targeted and flexible interventions to support core areas of the curriculum including nippy numbers, sound discovery and precision monitoring
- Positive relationships with staff who know and understand the children’s individual needs
- An environment where children are valued and celebrated
- High expectations from staff, parents and children
We are a friendly and welcoming school that embeds a fully inclusive approach to education for all. Our SEN information report, inclusion policy and local offer will help you to understand how we support the needs of children with additional needs at The Ridge. Our Graduated response flowcharts will also give you further information about the procedures that we follow.
If you have any additional questions, concerns or would like to book an appointment with Miss Evans, you can do so via the school office or directly through email
Graduated response - Attainment and Progress
Graduated response - Behaviour, Emotional and Social Development
SEN Information Report 2022-2023
South Glos Local Offer Website
SEN & Inclusion Policy - Updated March 2022
Single Community Cohesion and Equality Scheme and Plan
* If you feel that you need to make a complaint regarding SEND please refer to the Complaints Policy and Procedure