The School is rated by OFSTED as Good (Nov 2022)
OFSTED report Ridge Junior School Nov 2022
The School is rated by OFSTED as Good (May 2017)
Comments from May 2017 report
The School is highly inclusive and pupils enjoy learning alongside each other, showing a caring, supportive attitude as they do so.
The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. You are driven and determined to ensure that your vision of, ' a school family, engaged, aspiring and learning together' fully describes the school - and it does.
Teachers talk with excitement and enthusiasm about strategies that improve the quality of teaching and learning across the school. A typical comment from subject leaders was, 'since we have introduced this, pupils are soaring'
This is a caring, nurturing school where pupils are well mannered, polite and friendly. Everyone has a chance to shine and do well. Pupils enjoy learning alongside each other. Special themed weeks, such as arts week, enable pupils to learn with pupils from other year groups and they do this with confidence and growing maturity.
Comments from previous reports
- ‘Pupils achieve well and make good progress’
- ‘Teaching is good’
- ‘Pupils enjoy lessons and are motivated to learn’
- ‘They are inquisitive and ask questions confidently’
- ‘Pupils behave well, in lessons and around the school’
- ‘They work well together, and help each other learn. Pupils show care and consideration for adults and for each other. They feel safe and enjoy school’
- ‘Morale of staff is high and parents are supportive of the school ‘
- ‘Attendance is above average’
- ‘The headteacher, deputy headteacher and governing body understand well how the school is performing and accurately monitor the pupils’ progress and the quality of teaching. This has enabled them to successfully address areas that need improvement’
- ‘The curriculum is well planned and gives good opportunities for the pupils to learn’
Read the complete report here: Final Ofsted Report May 2017