The Ridge Junior School

The Ridge Junior School

Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School Life at The Ridge Junior School
"A school family, engaged, aspiring and learning together"

School Meals


The Ridge has its own kitchen where healthy hot meals are produced each day. School meals are served from 12 noon onwards in the dining hall on a rota basis. Our school meals are popular with our children. Good manners and sensible eating habits are encouraged by our friendly dinner ladies.

Click below for the menu;

Term 3 Week 1
Term 3 Week 2

 Please inform us of any specific dietary needs or allergies when you register your child at the school. 

Dinner money:

We run a strict no debt policy, all meals must be paid for in advance.

The collection of dinner money is a time consuming task and places great demands on administration. It would greatly help us as a school if you could do the following:

Please use Arbor to make online payments as this is our preferred method of payment. 

  • Dinner money is £2.30 per day, £11.50 per week (Sept 2024). 
  • You must pay in advance daily, weekly, monthly, half-termly or for a full term.
  • If a planned and paid for meal is not taken your money will be carried over.
  • At the end of each term any money in credit/ debit will be carried forward.

School meals can be provided free to families on Income Support, you can check eligibility using an online application form