School Uniform
Click here to order Uniform
We want our pupils to pick up the good habit of looking smart and ready for learning. School uniform is practical and establishes a whole school identity. It helps establish an ethos of belonging and signals to pupils that we are one united school community.
We are very aware of the cost of uniform in this time of high inflation. Whilst logoed uniform can be of better quality, it is perfectly acceptable for non logoed items to be bought. We would suggest that a logoed sweatshirt is a key item and if you only buy one logoed item, this would be the one.
Our emerald green school uniform is strongly supported and encouraged. Our uniform is: a white polo shirt , grey or black trousers or skirt and a fleece jacket with school logo or a green sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo. In the summer, there is also the option of green and white striped/checked cotton dresses/grey or black shorts.
We ask parents and carers to support us by not sending their child to school with an appearance that is likely to draw attention or distract other children from their learning and undermine the smart appearance of the school as whole. Examples include ‘extreme’ hairstyles, decorated or polished finger nails , temporary fashion skin tattoos or transfers, fashion shoes, jeans and trainers.
We also request that you provide sensible black shoes for your child, which they are able to manage independently.
PE/Games kit
Our PE kit comprises of red, yellow, blue and green house t-shirts, black shorts and jogging bottoms, and daps or trainers. Children with long hair must tie it up for PE lessons. Children wear their PE kit into school on their designated PE days.
Kingfishers : yellow t-shirt, Otters: blue t-shirt, Newts: green t-shirt and Bats: red t-shirt.
Outdoor Play
As part of our Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) project, the children have the opportunity to use the field throughout the whole year. Pupils are therefore expected to have the following items to change into for lunchtime play; waterproof coat, change of footwear (wellies or old trainers) and waterproof over trousers. Classes are given time before & after lunch to change.
For reasons of safety we do not allow any jewellery to be worn in school. Children with pierced ears may wear studs only and these must be covered with micro pore tape supplied from home during PE lessons and removed during swimming.
Second Hand Uniform Sales
Second hand uniform sales occur on the first Friday of every term where you can purchase a range of different items of uniform for a small donation to FOS.
Click here to order School Uniform.
Parents in receipt of free school meals have a package of support and if you have any issues with uniform please contact us as the school has a supply of second hand items such as sweatshirts.